Long Haired Rabbit Breeds

Lionhead Rabbit


  • Weight: 3 - 3 3/4 pounds.
  • Body Type: This breed originated in Belgium but has been developed in England. Body is well-rounded. Fur on body is dense and of medium length fur two to three inches long froms a mane around rabbits with both lopped and upright ears are being developed at the time of this writing but only one or the other is likely to be accepted by professional breeders associations.
English Angora Rabbit

    English Angora:

  • Weight: 5 to 7 pounds.
  • Body Type: Thick wool covers the entire rabbit, including the face and the stand-up ears, giving in the appearance of a large fuzz-ball. They have been in many colors.
  • Special Care: These rabbits require special diets and extensive daily grooming.
French Angora Rabbit

    French Angora:

  • Weight: 7 1/2 to 10 1/2 pounds.
  • Body Type: Medium long rounded body, ears long and erect. Face, ears, and front feet have short fur; rest of body has very long wool. Many different colors have been bred.
  • Special Care: This rabbit must be fed a special diet and carefully groomed every day.
Giant Rabbit


  • Weight: 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 pounds.
  • Body Type: These rabbits are white with ruby eyes. Compact and rounded with long wool on entire body, including tail, feet and upright ears. This rabbit has the most wool of any, because of a dense undercoat.
  • Special Care: It requres extensive daily grooming and a special high-protein diet.
French Angora Rabbit

    French Angora:

  • Weight: 7 1/2 to 10 1/2 pounds.
  • Body Type: Medium long rounded body, ears long and erect. Face, ears, and front feet have short fur; rest of body has very long wool. Many different colors have been bred.
  • Special Care: This rabbit must be fed a special diet and carefully groomed every day.
Stain Angora Rabbit Breeds

    Stain Angora:

  • Weight: 6 1/2 - 9 pounds.
  • Body Type: This rabbit has long, fine, glossy-appearing wool covering all it's body but the head and the upright ears.
  • Special Care: It requires extra grooming and a special diet.
American fuzzy lop Rabbit

    American fuzzy lop:

  • Weight: 3 to 4 pounds.
  • Body Type: These small rabbits have a large, flatted "bulldog" face and lopped ears, and look somewhat like a Holland Lop with long fur. They have been bred in many different colors.
  • Special Care: This is a wool breed and will require extensive daily grooming and a special diet.
Jersey Wooly Rabbit

    Jersey Wooly:

  • Weight: 2 3/4 to 3 1/2 pounds.
  • Body Type: Body is rounded and compact. The Fur on the face and upright ears is short the rest of the body has long dense fur. They have been bred in many colors.
  • Special Care: These rabbits require extra time for grooming and special diet.